Utterly charming
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(I must say it helps if you, like me, have a four-and-a-half-year-old son who worships Darth Vader):
(I must say it helps if you, like me, have a four-and-a-half-year-old son who worships Darth Vader):
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This has been done so perfectly. Who shot it?
No idea
lovely lovely lovely.
It’s a charming piece of film. Great performance by the kid playing Vader. I hate to be the client though but it doesn’t really tell me anything about the new Passat. It doesn’t even have a classic VW line at the end or an app that allows you to wave your phone infront of the ad to get little Vader on your phone. I wonder if we’ll see this one on TV.
midget or child actor?
Erm… It’s nicely shot and that, and I can see how a parent might go ‘aw…’ But isn’t it precisely the sort of generic, pan-Euro adwank your previous post dealt with? You’re going soft, Ben…
Nice idea but I actually thought it was poorly directed and edited
ALS: Weirdly, it feels like it’s been aimed right into the middle of my head. Having said that, I’m not in the least interested in the car. Dunno what that means.
Question: I think child actor. The hands are hard to fake.
And Paul, it’s funny how people either think it’s been very nicely shot or really badly made. Anyone think it’s somewhere in between?
Paul- Whatever you think of the idea how could you say it’s poorly directed and edited. The acting is delightful and the editing frame perfect.
It is really really lovely – but I just didn’t quite get what the father did at the end.
Did he turn the engine on remotely?
For me it just needed that little nudge to link it back to the product feature.
I laughed out loud and thought it was lovely.
Punters don’t care how it’s made. And when I watched it I felt like a punter. Not an adman critic twat, for once.
Obviously it got the middle of my brain too.
when does midget star wars come out anyway.
i can’t wait.
hey, they could call it ‘Star Dwarfs’
I think it would have been better if the kid was dressed up as Hitler.
Pointless but sweet.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Megan Mitzel, Dave Mance. Dave Mance said: @scotbower one for Evan http://www.ben-kay.com/2011/02/utterly-charming/ […]
I haven’t got kids. Don’t even like them. But I love this spot. This little fella made a better Darth Vader than Hayden Christensen. Having said that, my coffee table would have made a better Darth Vader than Hayden Christensen.
On another, related note, can any DDBers tell me whether this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ulbjaKmKG0&feature=player_embedded brakes the first rule of VW advertising by using a beetle?
Has anyone noticed that VW have explored this area before? Look how a kid is affected by the VW. Aside from this there’s the one where the two lads are on the steps making that constant noise. The one with the girl saying “bollocks”. The one with the kid wandering round saying “open sesame” (or something like that.)
Another Richard H: what rule is that?
Nice ad.
I’m sure someone once told me that using a beetle to advertise a Beetle was verboten in DDB. Or maybe I dreamt it?
Very entertaining. Cute even. They’ve got that part down. The true trick is to TIE IT TO SOME KIND OF SALES MESSAGE! That’s why it is called advertising and not :60 theatre.
Yeah what is the actual feature of the car they’re advertising? Being able to turn it on without being in it? What’s the point of that? Nice film though
The same idea, but poorly executed.
Welcome to my country: Germany.
In the development 10 years behind UK, USA and Sweden. 😀
(Line: Luxury, you get quickly used to.)
(Line: Big right down to the last detail.)
very sweet.
it’s a superbowl ad. so the goal is to make the biggest splash not necessarily close the deal on a Passat.
six million views on youtube already. about to get a hundred million more views on sunday. could well top the superbowl chart. americans loves them some star wars!
pointless ad for a car and what kind of feature is that? I am such a fucking lazy American that I can’t even turn a key to start my car anymore?