Muller vs Yeo Valley
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Which is better?
There’s only one way to find out… FIGHT! (figuratively speaking via the medium of words in the comments section of this post).
For what it’s worth, I prefer the enormous ambition and insanity of Muller (interest declared: it was done by my friends, Mike and Paul), but I do prefer this Yeo Valley ad to the last one.
I am utterly certain the public will love both to the same extent that the guy in my office who loves Stussy loves Stussy.
Definitely definitely Yeo Valley. I think it’s going to be perfect in XFactor. Just think the Muller one just uses borrowed interest and it’s a bit all over the place. But what do I know, I’m just a grad.
I love the Müller work. So, so good.
Having said that, the Yeo Valley work is interesting for the brand; it works well.
Overall, I think they suit the brands for which they’ve been created. I don’t want to have to choose between them, but instead simply enjoy two bits of great creative.
I’ll be watching to see how the Müller work progresses.
I prefer Stussy to both of these.
I agree that people will love them.
However, the YeoValley feels as if it’s being serious but funny, as if the client has said “Can we not be too funny”.
Muller seems so OTT that the strategy is showing. Which in turn feels dated, like a shit version of Skoda Cake.
I’m loving the Muller one. It’s about time someone tried something so fresh. Yeo Valley? Nice, but not much of a progression from last year. Safe – and not in a good way.
I agree with you Ben but I can’t help but feel the muller thing wouldve been bigger in the creatives head. It’s slightly anti-climactic.
Needed something big at the end.but well done.
Love the ambition.
Fuck me, what the hell is going on in that Muller one?! It is all over the place. Mr Men, traffic wardens, yogurt…hold on where was the yogurt? Giant pots…yogi bear? Is he from Germany? Mutley. Yup, he’s a dog. He uses yogurt to take out a wrecking ball that was about to…hit a nice house?! What? Munch Bunch yogurts…cartoons. City scape. Office workers…and yogurt. And Yogi bear. And a milk van that turns into a robot. MESSY.
I’m in the Yeo Valley camp to be honest. The Muller one has just stuck a load of random characters in because someone must have said “let’s appeal to kids”. It’s just too splatter gun. But if there’s a boy band in XFactor then I think it will only increase Yeo Valley’s effectiveness and the song is quite catchy too. I think it’s a big improvement on last years.
The Muller ad is like Man City. Loads of cash but no idea.
Yeo V better than Muller.
BOB (5): “I’m loving the Muller one. It’s about time someone tried something so fresh”.
Are you a 45 year old account guy?
I think the Yeo song is ok and better than the rapping farmers which was embarassing and clearly cd’d by Rosie Arnold.
I think the Muller ad is ok but needed much more money thrown at it and more cool characters than just the fucking Mr Men, Kit and Muttley. Its 2011. I guess they were all that could be bought with the budget. Reminds me a bit of Honda GRRRR but not as good. Still, better than 99% of shit on TV.
prefer müller. it keeps my interest. its fun and im sitting there wondering whats going on. its wünderful stuff. sure müller is not. but the ad is.
yeo valley is so cringe-worthy i dont even listen to the lyrics but just wonder why they made some boygroup sing in praise of a dairy brand. better than the rap, since its not bad rap. and whoever sung can sing. or recorded at a decent studio. guess target is 30+ female because of the boygroup. btw, next time id prefer a girl showing her hairy legs next to a guys super hairy chest and belly.
Ben, I appreciate this is a very old skool pov, but forget brand for a minute.
Which one tells you anything about why you should put your hand in your pocket (or purse) and actually exchange cash for that (word that’s fallen out of favour) product?
I agree with Dickhead:
Muller is a shit version of Skoda Cake.
However I thought he was going to say, “Which in turn feels dated, like a shit which is white.’
Dunno why.
I liked the first Yeo Ad. Not being from london I obviously don’t have my head up my own arse like you lot.
Love Yeo Valley (and I hate yogurt and boy bands). Too many characters in the Muller one – a huge squandering of Muttley.
Dave, To answer your question: YV; Muller is simply branded entertainment.
But then I think it’s difficult to judge either of these as conduits for persuasion or information, rather than just diversion. I hear Yeo Valley’s words and accept that, as they are organic, they farm in the right way. So far, so exactly what I thought before the ad. Muller tells me nothing, but then we all know it’s low quality yoghurt with a corner of chocolate balls or jam, so I would have been insulted if they tried to suggest there was anything more to it. They have a shit product and that means they have no choice but to try to distract us from that fact. Lipstick on a pig, innit?
The odd thing for me about Yeo Valley is that they add so much ‘entertainment’ to their communication that it almost gets drowned in the bullshit. They have something good to say, but seem to feel that it’s not enough, that they must put lipstick on something that’s already very attractive.
In some ways that’s sadder. Then again, I think this tangent is worth a blog of its own.
Am I allowed to say I don’t rate either of them?
These are supposed to be ads? Fuck me sideways.
Oh a Yeo Valley is trying to do this
By this I mean be funny and take the piss.
And Monsta has a good point about Muller and it’s anti climax, but it still lacks an original thought.
Both are event marketing. Both are housewife and kids brands, I’m not sure what the Apple 1984 media plan + social media=RESULT! has to do with shifting cow spunk to the masses on a medium to long term basis. Muller reigns because they designed the company’s existence around the supply chain, from the milking, to the distribution, point of sale pricing policy that is the their winning hand. Yeo Valley’s fucked because they’re relying on some cute ads.
Ben, I think we agree-ish.
Muller seems to me to be saying that a decent snack will cheer you up.
As they probably own that sector, market growth makes sense.
Yeo seems to be saying they are organically farmed in the west country.
So they want to take market share from other yoghurts.
I’m guessing the Muller ad is targetting children and the Yeo ad is targetting youngish female adults.
So they both seem fairly sensible routes.
You have to admire Yeo’s ambition too, they’re a small outfit from Bristol taking on the Muller behemoth. To be compared at all sounds like it’s job done for them.
Sorry, can’t find anything I like about either. Neither made me smile or even seemed remotely original. Thought the production of yeo maybe was a little tighter. Though pastiching boyband music videos was a massive yawn. Muller was just a vomity explosion in my head and made me think of the much funnier ad that mojo did for beer with the knight rider soundtrack. So I’m going to say no to both.
I work at BBH but one of my friends did the Muller ad. Hmmm.
I think I’ll have to go with Yeo’s. Big Brother is watching.
And the director of the Muller monster is……Antoine Bardou-Jacquet. Didn’t see that coming! What have you done sir?!
Yeah, the muller one is nice.
But, don’t the Mr Men already have their own yogurt?
Huge error.
Ask not which is better. Ask which is the least shit
I don’t want to choose.
They are both big, bold and fun.
Why not say ‘well done’ to those who managed to sell them through – and actually got them made.
No easy task in this environment.
@Les McQueen. You may be right. But when the fridge door opens my kids are off on a ‘Yo Valley’ rap-fest. And Muller has never provoked that sort of reaction. Maybe that’s why they are upping the kid’s appeal in their ads….? Just a thought.
Yeo Valley. It made me laugh out loud twice. Muller was cute though.
Where did the VW post go??
Blimey, must be the hangover, but I quite like the Yeo ad. It does look like someone new CD’d it as it didn’t make my toes curl like the last one. Yeo Tube? Millward Brown all over.
The Muller one is just a bit bland. And another fucking Traffic Warden gag. I almost feel sorry for the heartless, robotic fuckers.
Didn’t Yeo Valley cost a fraction of Muller’s and still got the same result?? That seals it for me (can you tell I’m an account man)
29: I thought it was a bit negative. I’ll rewrite it and stick something else up soon.
Personally, I find Muller depressingly familiar and has as little meaning as the product itself has taste. It is incredibly unimaginative and formula driven. Its a big ad set in a big city and could have been done for Playstation back when TBWA was good. However, It will be popular, kids will love the big robot thing ripped off The Incredibles and I would take that over a bronze at Cannes anytime. Its a marked improvement on the wank that was churned out previously on that account “lick the lid of life” anyone? Wunderful Stuff is the kind of catch-all endline that could knock out a good ad. Who knows? I would have gone for an endline like Muller; Little tubs of spunk.
As for Yeo Valley. Its tame and lame. With the exception of rhyming friesians with seasons the writing is average. It pulls its punches and stays in the safe world of boy bandness. Not as cringey as the previous one but thats not saying anything. Nearly every male I know who saw it thinks its the cuntiest thing theyve ever seen. because they haven’t turned up the spoof they’re in danger of polarising the brand. And why is it so white? its like an ad for the arian farming brotherhood.
I just did a little fart and it made me laugh more that when I watched either of those ads. Advertising will never be as entertaining as gas that smells of shit passing through an anus.
Muller seems like a foolish diversion. Is that wrong? Does there always have to be an earnest reason to buy?
Why don’t more people have a problem with this?
Ben, I think you’ll agree that the yogurt rap was nailed with this little beauty back in 2008
Two brands in desperate need of some fully intergrated thinking.
Although both products are consumed in the real world, I want to be able to taste them in the virtual world too.
Oh my God, F. You just made me do a little sick in my mouth.
Hey you fuckers, I wrote that Paula the Cow ad. ‘Gold’ is what my Global ECD said at the time, ‘Pure farkin’ Gold’.
nick the greek. are you taking the piss with your integrated shtick? i bloody hope so.
On first viewing of the Muller ad in context it left me feeling it didn’t quite hit the mark like this ad did for me
Love the Yeo ad. Definitely much better than the first one which felt a little forced.
I agree with Cock Knocker (7).
What’s the idea in Muller? None. Chuck a load of borrowed interest in and hope everyone likes it.
Pile of annoying messy tosh with no idea.
Yeo Valley is ok. Borderline identical to the last one apart from this one isn’t shit rap.
I can’t believe a good chunk of you lot, think either of these are good. Ben, even your eye for good work seems to have given up and gone to Butlins.
Seriously, is this what we’re settling for now? Shit.
you’d have either on your reel sausage muncher and you know it.
Who knew yoghurt advertising could be so comment-worthy?
It’s all about the Yeo Valley key change which is just about as X Factor as it gets. I think it’s quite clever to associate some random dairy brand with such a popular TV show (and do the perfect parody, which makes me prefer this one to the rap). The Muller ad grew on me when I watched it during the ad break.
Spot the person who had their ads turned down by their ECD at about 2.43pm.
And was given a brief for Toilet Duck at about 2.46pm
he can’t of been turned down or given a brief. i’m sure he’s un-employed. or maybe on placement. failing that he works at some northern agency that does dfs ads.
Looks like Yeo Valley is winning the battle of the YouTube views.
I prefer Yeo Valley. Funnier than last one, which I wasn’t keen on.
Muller, I’m just blinded by the money and left feeling annoyed they’re not giving away Mr Men with the packs. I’d like a Mr Men figure to add tot he rest of the plastic tat I have on my desk.
@47 @Gouty Alright maybe that last comment (43) was a bit much.
Watched Muller several times now and still can’t find an idea. You might as well just write ‘Mullertastic’ at the end.