Darren aronofsky’s anti-meth ads
Darren Aronofsky, director of Black Swan, has just directed a new anti-meth campaign.
Although I’m not sure of its intention (I think it’s to put non-meth addicts off trying the drug rather than an attempt to help current addicts see the error of their ways) I think they could have a good chance of succeeding.
Back in the 1980s, scenes like these certainly scared me off heroin:
So I’d imagine that these could certainly have the same effect (by the way, these are quite disturbing, particularly the first and second clips. Don’t say I didn’t warn you; thanks, B):
(For a real laugh, imagine you are the kid on the bed and your most hated client is the bearded man.)
These are great, aren’t they?! It feels far more effective to try and stop people experimenting with it in the first place, compared to the usual route advertisers take. It quashes the curiosity. ‘If you take this drug, your world will fall apart.’ That’ll do for me. And that 80’s one is excellent. It’s a bit like the ad when the kid throws a frisbie into a power station, then tries to retrieve it, gets electrocuted and the grass around him catches fire (nice touch), the message being, don’t try and get your frisbie out of power stations because you’ll die and the grass will catch fire.
Those Meth films are rather good, aren’t they? Still feel sorry for Zammo, even now. Just say ‘no’, kids.
Do the meth and your life won’t add up.
Aronofsky captures the mood very well. His dp should be credited also.