Tesco Christmas
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(Thanks, B.)
They’re a mixed bunch, aren’t they? Some longer, nicely observed; others a bit quick and light. Then there’s the Furby one (?).
It’s almost like a mashup of Boots (everyday observations) and Marks and Spencer (lots of famous songs).
And here are the posters (also a mixed bunch).
what’s not to like.
…he said, damning them somewhat with faint praise.
I like them. They have…oh jesus I’m about to say it…..insights. I vommed on my keyboard. I’ll be saying platform next.
Anyhoo. The picking up the lego late at night is unbeleivable. Not unbelievably good. Just unbelievable.
Bit pissed. Hence spelling of “unbelilhgevieabxkzble.”
don’t u think it’s awfully close to what w+k portland did for target? somewhat similar? at all? maybe i going crazy.
I could only find this one:
It’s not really like the Tesco ads.
I like the Furby spot (because I’m mentally deranged) and there’s something sweet about the little boy hugging the train.
Saying that the heavy product focus generally turns me off and seems a bit backward. It makes Christmas seem even more corporate/commercialised like the horrible Littlewoods ad from last year.
Reminded me of the Target campaign too.
Unfortunately all the actual ads seem to have been removed from Youtube.
I like the Tescos stuff though. Well, not the Furby one. I don’t really like that at all.
A mixed bag indeed.
I can see the pitch winning concept of ‘Every xxx helps’, and it should work well, it’s just that there’s something very off-key about the way they’ve realised some of these ‘insights’.
I think it’s pretty telling that, without the help of some of the best music ever written, pretty much all of these ads would be utterly generic.
The patchy tone is continued in the press executions. That turkey, for example, looks rank.
The print is shit