Jackson always said Fosse was the inspiration behind his dance moves, and Beyonce made no secret of her use of Mexican Breakfast. Or is that not your point……?
Inspiration or copycat? Where do you draw the line? Is taking a You Tube film and turning it into a pitch for a client inspiration or just an outright stolen idea? Let the courts decide…
Ha ha – yes, sorry. I guess it doesn’t justify it by saying publicly that it’s nicked. Where does homage stop and plagiarism start? But both acts put their own slant on Fosse’s style though. I for one can’t get enough of watching Beyonce doing her jiggery pokery. And Jackson might have been a pederast, but his dancing was great to watch. Unlike Gary Glitter.
Jackson always said Fosse was the inspiration behind his dance moves, and Beyonce made no secret of her use of Mexican Breakfast. Or is that not your point……?
Inspiration or copycat? Where do you draw the line? Is taking a You Tube film and turning it into a pitch for a client inspiration or just an outright stolen idea? Let the courts decide…
@George: that’s a little more than ‘inspiration’ right there.
What’s my point…? Um… No idea.
Kind of interesting, though.
Ha ha – yes, sorry. I guess it doesn’t justify it by saying publicly that it’s nicked. Where does homage stop and plagiarism start? But both acts put their own slant on Fosse’s style though. I for one can’t get enough of watching Beyonce doing her jiggery pokery. And Jackson might have been a pederast, but his dancing was great to watch. Unlike Gary Glitter.
That guy in the desert is creepy.
Yeah, when you’re creepier than a massive paedophile you need to check yourself.
Fosse was Jacksons choreographer.
So not so much inspiration as teaching.
The same way pupils ‘rip-off’ their teachers ideas.