The A-list

Every year Campaign sends a questionnaire to some people that they consider to be the most significant in the land we call ad.

If you’d like to pretend you are one of them, here are this year’s questions, with one red herring that I popped in for a ‘laugh’. Can you spot it?

First name:

Last Name:


Job Title:

Work Phone:

Work e-mail:

When and where were you born:

What are your favourite media (including TV programme, newspaper, magazine, website):

What is your favourite app:

What would be your idea next job:

What’s your favourite ad campaign from this year:

When did you last snort a fucking fat line of charlie at an awards do:

Who are your three best friends in adland:

Who (in the industry) do you owe most to for your success and why:

Why do people like you:

What’s your greatest extravagance:

What (apart from children) is your greatest achievement:

What’s your idea of perfect happiness:

What do you think will be the biggest change in advertising over the next five years:

Dunno about you, but to me those seem like quite dull questions.

Do you have any better? Of course you do. That’s what the comments section is for.