
Short doc on visionary Michael Wolff (thanks, C).

Billy Wilder and Preston Sturges on what makes a great story (thanks, D).

Should be a lovely ad for Cillit Bang (thanks, Cam):

Play a guitar with your piss stream.

David Lynch ‘Crazy Clown Time’ vid (NSFW) (thanks, L):

Star Wars Kinnect is even worse than Attack of the Clones:

Worst book covers/titles ever (thanks, P).

Scottish underwear ad involving massive gonads (thanks, A):

All the best bits of The King’s Speech again and again and again:

There’s a website for everything nowadays (thanks, C).

Why stupid video games work so well (thanks, P).

Andy Warhol paints Debbie Harry on an Amiga (thanks, P):


Breaking Mad:

Utterly amazing daytime fireworks (thanks, J and L):