The enormous, unavoidable importance of clothing.
I love everything about this: the clothes, the beards, the individuality, the attention to detail, the beauty, the tableware, the way it’s shot, the idea that 25 men would come together for a lunch based on what they wear…
But I have an internal tussle about the idea of clothes having any kind of importance. Once you’re warm, they’re just decoration, but then that opinion is somewhat disingenuous. Of course we imbue clothing with enormous importance; it creates a large part of our initial impression of every single person we meet. But the celebration of clothing reminds me too sharply of how much we obsess over things that have so little inherent value.
Then again, the only TV show I watch regularly is Fashion Police (if any of you think I’m joking, I am deadly serious), so I get to spend an hour a week bringing that tussle to fever pitch while listing to Joan Rivers being catty about Hollywood stars and their genitalia.
I suppose Western life has just come so many miles beyond the bottom rungs of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs that the only things that have any importance are those which don’t have any intrinsic value. Many of us just assume the basics are taken care of then continue to scrabble higher and higher up that pyramid until we’re caring about the most ridiculous nonsense available.
And if you’re shaking your head at this, wondering how anyone could be so shallow, ask yourself if you’ve ever cared about the result of a football match.
What’s gayfish dong there?
Who is gayfish? Do you mean Kanye? Well dressed (sometimes), innit?
Every cunt in my agency looks the same. Just today I counted 83 men wearing the same khaki trousers.
football is cheering for laundry.
jerry seinfeld at his best.
There is a certain amount of joy that comes from a well-cut jacket. Surely these gents simply enjoy well made, stylish clothes in the same way others like smart cars, fine wine or architecture? It’s an appreciation of craftsmanship and how it makes you feel. And, yes, in many ways you could consider it facile or indulgent. Or you could decide that Maslow was a killjoy.
@Kobe Beef: One of the very few joys of being chubby is that I feel no social pressure to wear those khaki trousers that have a really low crotch and tight legs like one of the cunts at your agency (or, indeed all over the bloody country(.
I skipped through this but I have to say I can’t imagine anywhere I’d less like to be than at that lunch. I missed it by days, months and thousands of miles and the very idea of it still makes me cringe with embarassement.
Simply cannot believe that none of this lot were invited:
Missed opportunity.
Great blog. Especially the fat chap with his dad.
Football is the greatest trivial pursuit in the world.
A man’s sartorial deportment is nothing less than important.
But I’d take a stylish haircut over a stylish outfit any day of the week.
All the tailoring in the world won’t mask a shoddily shorn bouffant.
I probably shouldn’t mention your Stussy era, but you were quite ahead of the curve on that one. Ditto your Wall Street look.
The Stussy era was a fine five years. The Wall Street thing should probably remain unmentioned.
Sure you never wore Tennis shirt (Lacoste, Tacchini, Fila), adidas gazelles and farahs, Ben?
WOOOOOW this is what they call “superficial” isn’t it? Some of them are not even talking but reenacting a conversation while posing with a wine glass.
Fran Lebowitz dresses better than most of them, and I am sure she will be a better choice for a lunch companion… or Stephen Fry… or Dylan Moran… or my dog… at least it can keep it real
Did the excessive, clumsy focus shifting bother anyone else as much as it bothered me? It was annoying. As hell. Well shot? Really?
Why wasn’t Mr Denton invited?
I also think it’s really rude that they keep on chatting whilst he’s delivering his speech.
…thanks Original Richard H. x
…then again, some of them look like right pillocks.
That lot looks like a right laugh.
…and one of them’s got a double-breasted waistcoat under a double-breasted jacket!!!!!!
…and when I say jacket you know I mean coat (but not overcoat).