Lots Of Things Wrong With This One
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(Thanks, BB.)
It’s a long way out of date.
It’s industry navel gazing.
The Tango spoof, along similar lines, was years ago.
You can see the end coming a mile off.
The track is rubbish.
The direction is poor.
I find the senseless destruction for such a shit ad somewhat depressing.
Yes, it's very late.
Yes, the music's shit.
Yes, a spoof is always a bit lazy
But…but…I still found myself enjoying it. Certainly more entertaining than most of the crud that comes on the tellybox.
That said, I found myself watching ALL of Alan Yentob's interview with Tom Jones last night. Maybe I'm the problem.
Pretty cool dude.
0913 are you some sort of moron.
how could you enjoy such utter crap that is a rip off of a rip off.
what a shame.
if they had money to spend, they should have put it to better use, like buying a yellow bus for 09:13 to get on.
i didn't see the end coming but only because i thought it was a spec film for a bowling alley.
the idea is WAY too dated. which makes the direction look even more dated than it is, which makes the car feel dated.
And who's looking after the naming policy over at nissan QASHCAR QASHCOW can't even remember what it's called.
the idea at the very least does pay into urban proof strategy in a fun way, but unfortunately i also hate the fucking words and strategy 'urban proof'.
finally, i feel that everyone involved in this should be waiting outside copycunts, while the headmaster considers their future.
I don't think the public will give as much of a shit as we (you) do.
All they'll say is…
"ha! its like dat tv ad wit bouncin balls but wit bowlin balls… funny"
And because of it being a pastiche they'll probably remember it more than most other shit ads.
And why urbanproof "mastered"
why not just urbanproof?
and the poor bastards didn't even get nice fucking weather for it.
i feel sorry for the production teams on these ones who probably worked their arses off for next to nothing.
okay, that's all. i'm gonna go and kick my dog now. silly little fuck just shat on the rug. i'll show you fucking urban proof you little barkingcunt!
Its also not the first time nissan have looked to sony for inspiration.
Ben, you're quite right…what a pile of poop.
But in response to Anon 09:13…I don't think spoofs are lazy.
When done well, and at a time that is relevent they can actually be very good.
More ads should be like this (half safe for work):
That is awfull. Especially just shoving a track over the top with not even a hint of sound design.
Which Agency did it?
tbwa no?
I think it was a joint effort from TBWA\G1 & TBWA\PARIS. Both should hang their heads in shame.
Having said that I completely agree with 09.54 on what the public will make of it.
Balls was released in 2005. A spoof needs to be current. Tango did theirs within 6 months of the original, meaning it resonated with the viewer. This is 5 years late. I honestly think there is a decent idea in there somewhere – if done with stronger production values, and shot in 2005, or 06 at the latest, then it could work. This is just tremendously misjudged.
i doubt the public will see a huge media spend behind it.
i bet the client paid about 20p for it. I'm sure they like it, because it only cost them 20p, but i bet they don't put millions behind it.
besides it's an old car isn't it?
no way in the fucking world would a car company launch a new product with that.
as george said, tremendously misjudged.
It's shite.
You lot are really boring.
Where was Ernie McCracken? Chance missed there.
You peoplees are rude about film, which is nice. The conception is good and on targit. I like the conceite and filmic seqniques used. The smashing screens are funnya nd amuse in a way I have not imagined for many days. How is the is a rip off at all. Its original and has not been used in Car Advert before. How is this unoriginal rip off I ask you. How is it late and spoof?
Kris – are you drunk?
Ollie dear boy. Is that really you??
Kris – get another round in there's a good chap.
re Oli Reed at 20.10
Was I drunk? Yes and worse.
just shows how good that tango one was, even though that was made for peanuts too
guess it helps it was done within a relevant timeframe
re dude at 10.19
Tango fango, mango, renault twingo, runover dingo, happy crimbo my arse.
Whats was that shit fella. relevence is all there to see. What are you on about how can it be relevence in the same place? Andswer me that one. I can understand the plaintif if the notion was misconstrude int eh first place. But really whay.
stay off the weed Kris
Gentlemen, go to bed.