Stuck trying to come up with a headline? Let these feats put you to shame:
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The sonnet where every line is an anagram of the title, and the whole thing rhymes.
The 50,000 word novel that doesn’t use the letter E.
A six-word story with a beginning, a middle and an end.
The man who wrote over 1000 books.
By the way, my favourite palindrome is, ‘ret tebh cums if lah dnoces eh ttub, but the second half is much better’.
Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era?
(A new era of … ermm … palindromes and shit.)
The six word stories really underscore the power of our language.
Speaking of the wonders of ordered letters, these words can be made into a grammatically correct sentence by adding a bit of punctuation:
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher
that sonnet is shit
the syllable count is all over the shop
Georges Perec also wrote a novel without the letter e, but it was also amazingly translated into a number of different languages all without using the letter e (or whatever the most common letter in that language is). Not that I’ve read it. Bet it’s shit.
This isn’t shit though – – even though most of them are famous ones that he’s nicked.
Perec’s novel is great actually. He also wrote a short story in which E is the only vowel used – The Exeter Text i think it was called. Bit of a headfuck though that one.