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Sweetly observed, well shot, touching – especially if you have a family.
Even the VO is pretty good (and it could have gone so wrong).
Sweetly observed, well shot, touching – especially if you have a family.
Even the VO is pretty good (and it could have gone so wrong).
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Proud to say this was directed by Martin De Thurah at Academy.
YYYYYuk with five capital Ys.
Looks beautiful but tastes like e numbers.
nice. i too feel touched, and i dont have a family. well, i do. you know what i mean. what id like to know though: “holiday to a t”, whats that supposed to mean. am i missing something here. it this some visual pun thing or am i just being my thicks elf today.
love it.
Not easy – trying to flog holidays to a cash-strapped population. I think the ‘your family will thank you for it’ route hits a nerve. And the film steers away from any guilt-mongering. Tick.
@4 – you weren’t serious about the ‘t’ were you?
(Although, I wonder if the thumbs-uppers are parents, ‘cos I’m sure I’ll be wanking myself senseless over any holiday that entertains my sprogs when the vile little fuckers finally spew forth from a willing woman’s front bot-bot).
Actually, ‘Let this be a lesson’ should have been drowned in a toilet.
Do you get paid to post things?
Yes*. How did you guess?
* Actually, no.
yes and no. a couple of years ago, one third of all people (14-49) asked what ‘douglas. come in and find out’ would mean, thought it meant something along the lines of ‘come in and find a way out again’. stupid germans they were. but now imagine uk residents whose mother tongue isnt english wanting to burn their money on package deal holidays. fuck to the t.
I felt touched. In the same way a small boy feels touched by a large hairy hand in a public swimming pool.
It’s Harry Potter Land in Orlando for me and the kids. Whoop de fucking doo!
Probably it will work once. The mothers will like it. You know – hormones.
The last line is shit.
If kids were like kids on the adverts I might be tempted to have some. Sadly they are selfish, ungrateful little money and soul sponges. I’ll get a dog instead.
It was great, until it turned out to be for Thomson’s. Cognitive dissonance, or what?
Check out the rack at 1:10.
Bearing in mind the last Thomson’s ad was the Jaime rednapp abortion, this signals a turn around of epic proportions and credit should be given to the agency for that.
There’s some lovely insights here. It’s playing the emotional card and so it should. The strategy is bang on
My only gripe is that the cast feel like they’ve walked out of a Freeman’s catalogue.
1&1/2 thumbs up