Posted in Uncategorized
163 horror movies in 2 1/2 minutes (thanks, P):
The Bill Murray remix (thanks, C):
Art Attack: how to draw a cock (thanks, J):
Staying with the smut, it’s your Fifty Shades Lorem Ipsum generator (thanks, K).
Still not raising the level of things particularly high, it’s the wee-slide man (thanks, W):
Todd Akin is a fucking idiot (thanks, P).
The craziest jobs on Craigslist (thanks, J).
Ice cubes recipe (thanks, P).
Memes and singularity (thanks, P):
Replacement Hipsters (thanks, J).
If movies had shit fonts (thanks, J).
The Denzel Washington Venn diagram.
100 worst people on Twitter (thanks, P).
Supercut temper tantrums (thanks, P):
sorry to break it you ben, but water is dangerous. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=464017566952593&set=a.456449604376056.98921.367116489976035&type=1&theater