If This Is a podcast then what’s christmas episode 1 – dave Dye
Today is a momentous day for the blog:
I have ventured into the world of podcasts.
(I’ll wait a second while you catch your breath, call your local newspaper and shout this incredible news from your rooftop.)
As a keen listener of podcasts (favourites include Arseblog, WTF, Answer Me This, RHLSTP, Guardian Football, Tim Ferriss, Nerdist, Football Ramble etc.) I thought it’d be cool if people who enjoy this blog could listen to interviews with the great and the good of advertising. In addition it would give me a chance to freshen up the blog a bit and get out of my comfort zone.
I may not have everything 100% in place just yet (the blog seems unwilling to load the file size up to podcast land (iTunes etc.), but I will make this work ASAP. So I have a Soundcloud file, which is recorded from a Skype interview. It sounds OK, but I think there’s room for improvement.
Anyway, episode 1 is a chat with Dave Dye, one of the best art directors in the history of British advertising.
I intended to spend an hour going through his career. However, I soon discovered that this was a little optimistic – we managed to get through his first 8-9 years, ending just as he joined Leagas Delaney. Then we chatted about the pros and (mainly) cons of digital advertising. I’ll do a part two (and possibly three/four/five) at some point in the future.
Just so you know, I spend a few minutes setting up the intention of the podcast series, then it’s an uninterrupted hour of chat.
There are loads of great stories and lessons, so I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to give me any feedback, such as tips on how to get it properly on iTunes, suggestions for other interviews, ways of improving the sound quality on an intercontinental Skype chat, and anything else that pops into your mind.
Many thanks for taking the time to listen…
Here is the iTunes link and the Soundcloud link.
UPDATE: Here’s some of the work we discussed:

Ah brilliant. I’d suggest including key pieces of work which you talk about in your podcasts up as a post on the blog to help get their significance, and whet the ears. Good luck! Haven’t listened yet but try having awesome intro montages e.g. Second Captains Football Podcast.
Good suggestion!
this needed to be done. thanks.
You’re on my list, dude.
you’re too kind. hope you’re doing them alphabetically.
One wonders, in these days of crap advertising, who is now willing to pay for Dave’s undoubtedly good but expensive genius.
Dave obviously cares a great deal about advertising, but who else, clientwise, does?
Well done Ben.
…now you’re making me listen as well!
Enjoyed that Ben, cheers.
Really excited to listen to this, and to see where you go with it. Is the plan for just advertising folk, or other interesting people you can get hold of?
On other podcasts, I’ve recently got really into Scroobius Pip’s Distraction Pieces podcast. Kinda covers a bit of everything with all sorts of guests… and is set up like yours (I imagine, haven’t listened to it all yet), with an hour or so chat that goes wherever the conversation goes. And Frankie Boyle talking about hip hop.
I hope its remit will be as wide as the blog’s: anything to do with creativity in its many forms, but mainly related to advertising.
I’d be delighted to chat hip hop with Frankie Boyle.
Nice one Ben, I was thinking about this too after listening to Bob Hoffman’s shows. Can I download it on my podcast app?
Doh – just re-read your post and my question is already answered – will have a listen.
Thanks Ben. Big fan of ITIABTWC, and now ITIAPTWC. Inspiring stuff.
Thanks Ben.
I’m looking forward to this.
Is Alec Baldwin’s podcast on your list?
Not yet. I’ll check it out forthwith.
Love that one. Alec Baldwin is an angry Irish guy from Long Island. Love hearing that come through.
No one pays attention to digital ads. Everyone streams their TV.
Seems bleak.
Love it Ben, very inspiring. Thanks for doing it!
My pleasure. Thanks for listening.
Thanks Ben, I thoroughly enjoyed that. When you and Dave were talking about the AMV vibe of competition and always striving to go one better, it reminded me of that famous Bruce Springsteen quote – “More than rich, more than famous, more than happy, I wanted to be great.”
Cheers Ben. A very interesting listen. Thoroughly enjoyed.
Don’t want to sound like an old fart, but having started the same year as Dave it brought back great memories of some of the good old days- and some brilliant agencies- so of which no longer exist!
Looking forward to the next installment.
Cheers, Phil!
*some of which…
…That was bloody good. Of course Dave remembers his Simons Palmer DENTON days correctly. There was never a lot of deep thinking from me or Chris.
Looking forward to the next episode.
Cheers. I’ll be in touch about yours. Are you back from your shoot?
…I’m back, gargling, and ready when you are…
Excellent stuff, I really enjoyed this – thanks Ben and Dave.