Is confidence a preference?
Here’s an interesting article.
It talks about the confidence gap between men and women. Here are some of the more interesting findings:
Half the female respondents reported self-doubt about their job performance and careers, compared with fewer than a third of male respondents.
Men initiate salary negotiations four times as often as women do, and when women do negotiate, they ask for 30 percent less money than men do.
A review of personnel records found that women working at HP applied for a promotion only when they believed they met 100 percent of the qualifications listed for the job. Men were happy to apply when they thought they could meet 60 percent of the job requirements.
When Estes had the students solve a series of these spatial puzzles, the women scored measurably worse than the men did. But when he looked at the results more closely, he found that the women had done poorly because they hadn’t even attempted to answer a lot of the questions.
In a study he published in 2011, men consistently rated their performance on a set of math problems to be about 30 percent better than it was.
True overconfidence is not mere bluster. Anderson thinks the reason extremely confident people don’t alienate others is that they aren’t faking it. They genuinely believe they are good, and that self-belief is what comes across. Fake confidence, he told us, just doesn’t work in the same way.
Perfectionism is another confidence killer. Study after study confirms that it is largely a female issue, one that extends through women’s entire lives. We don’t answer questions until we are totally sure of the answer, we don’t submit a report until we’ve edited it ad nauseam, and we don’t sign up for that triathlon unless we know we are faster and fitter than is required.
The more senior a woman is, the more she makes a conscious effort to play down her volubility—the reverse of how most men handle power.
So when it comes to confidence, men simply have more than women, and that gives them/us a ridiculous advantage in many areas of life.
Those of you who have yet to read the article might be wondering why this is. The ultimate reason is testosterone: men have ten times more of it than women do. That makes men faster and stronger but it also makes us more inclined to take risks. Sometimes this can result in problems caused by overconfidence. Look at how many of these feature men:
But overall, in most everyday situations, the extra confidence seems to be a help rather than a hindrance.
There’s also the anterior cingulate cortex – the part of the brain that helps us recognize errors and weigh options. It’s bigger in women because, as the historical nurturers and protectors, they have to be more aware of possible threats.
Then the whole thing becomes self-fulfilling: boys start to take risks and behave in a more knockabout manner from an early age. Girls then socialise and assimilate societal norms more readily, but then they don’t put themselves forward as much as men do. Confidence breeds confidence, and the ability to skim past setbacks is very useful if you want to get ahead. Try for three jobs you’re not quite qualified for and you might get one. Try for zero and you’ll probably get zero.
So what I’m saying is that this isn’t a sexist impression borne out by mere anecdotal evidence; this is chemical, measurable, real and utterly pervasive (although I should add that of course very confident women do exist; they’re just rarer than their male counterparts).
But one could reasonably argue that we prize confidence because men have been ‘in charge’ for so long that they’ve bent the world to become an environment that prizes the very thing they’re good at. It stands to reason that people tend to value the things they’re good at more highly than the things they’re crap at – partly because you could probably make a case for the primacy of pretty much any character trait if you were so minded (for proof of this, try reading the ‘description’ of characteristics of any star sign and see how they’re all somewhat positive). That means the world has been set up for men to succeed over women, and it’s been the case for so long that we now see male characteristics as ‘good’ because they are exactly what you need to succeed in so many of today’s situations.
We could instead have created a world where thoughtfulness and caution are thought to be the best attributes. There are certainly many instances where they do come in handy, but we also tend to see them as weaknesses. And nowhere is this more prevalent than in business, where you could say that the current way of doing things is a version of traditionally male territories, such as war. Companies work out how to ‘destroy’ the competition with a ‘campaign’ where you ‘take no prisoners’. It’s spoken of as a form of conflict when it could easily be discussed in completely different terms. Why can’t business be a collaboration, where we see how the greatest goals can be achieved together?
This became more of a problem for women when they were allowed to leave the domestic world and enter the offices and cubbyholes of BUSINESS. That was all well and good, but they started to play a game designed by men for men, leaving them at a disadvantage. When a manager assesses a woman and decides that she is not ‘assertive’ or ‘confident’ enough, that’s partly because she wasn’t designed to be. But instead of recognising and appreciating those differences, we use them as a badge of failure. Rare is the assessment of a man that complains of his lack of caution, even though this might be a deep and problematic failing. The rules were unconsciously written over hundreds of years and we now think they’re simply a set of universal truths.
This may be why, in industries where front and bluster can take you a long way, men are more often at the top. In advertising I’d argue that the reason creative department leadership is far more likely to be male is down to this testosterone factor: when you’re building a career as a creative it is very helpful to present your work with confidence because no one really knows for sure if your idea is brilliant or not. Then that confidence breeds confidence in the people you’re talking to (usually men) and may lead to the work getting through a client more easily, then finding a better director (usually a man). Do that enough times and you’ll be a CD, then an ECD. Then the snowball starts rolling down the hill: confident people (men) are likely to be attracted to other confident people (other men) and before you know it, 75% of creative departments are male, as are 89% of creative leaders.
But doesn’t that mean we’re going to lose a huge amount of valuable input? I’ve worked at agencies where the conversation, often amongst 10-15 people, moves fast, and at a high level of quality. If you want to join in you need a bit of bravery to think your words are worthy of interrupting those of the other people in the room. But if you don’t have that bravery others might well be thinking that you’ve got nothing good to say, otherwise you’d surely be saying it. They’re less likely to be thinking: ‘Oh, of course: as a result of various evolutionarily-inspired chemicals, Person X is too timid to jump in to this intimidating mixture of jokes, opinions and decisions. Let’s slow down and ask what’s on their mind’. I mean they might be thinking that, and in an effective company those moments of inclusion do happen, but they’re very much the exception rather than the rule.
Here’s another factor: confidence isn’t only down to gender. I’ve certainly been in situations where I’ve been worried about speaking for fear of looking stupid, and I know certain of my male bosses have felt the same. Confidence can come and go from moment to moment, situation to situation, dynamic to dynamic. Put a male CCO in a room with teenagers discussing the latest Childish Gambino tracks and his front might melt faster than an ice cube in Death Valley.
So are we OK with missing out on a bunch of good stuff from the less confident minds in the room, or are we going to find ways to be more inclusive? Or to prize caution and thoughtfulness? Should we have a formalised system of pauses to go around the room and scoop up any unsaid words of wisdom? That might work, but I think you’ll still get people who won’t want to speak up simply because there’s now a spotlight on their face.
The real solution is to go upstream and find ways to make less confident people more comfortable with speaking up and more inclined towards the value of what they have to say, and to think about the benefits that come from less strident characteristics. The kicker is that increasing confidence takes practice: the more times you jump off a diving board the less scary it becomes, but of course that means you still have to do it the first time, even if it scares you to death. But the other path, the one where we become more considerate, is surely easier, even if we think it’s a bit odd at first.
If we start nudging things in the direction of inclusivity and compassion, maybe the snowball will stop rolling down the hill – it might even start rolling in the opposite direction. It’s going to take effort, awkwardness and being OK with those two things, but think of how much better things might be as a result.
We spend way too much time wondering why so few women make it to the top and not enough time wondering why so many men end up at the bottom. This is a shame because the explanation for both is the same.
This is a very good, thoughtful article although, in my view, all this diversity navel gazing is moot. We are rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. Creative standards continue to plummet and what do we talk about again and again…
I am sure someone will tell me creative work suffers from lack of diversity but that’s just bollocks. Diversity matters because it’s the right thing to do, not because theres a business case for it.
Well, there might be a business case for it: by including a wider range of people in the creation of our advertising we might end up with results that are more effective.
The dominance of middle class white guys means that we could be missing out on the communications that might hit the bullseye for women or people of colour. And if those communications worked well the ads would be more effective, helping the business case.
I think it’s hard to be 100% confident that the current undiverse biases are the most effective composition of an agency/department.
True. And I’m not 100% confident but I am distrustful of identity politics. It all seems very hollow and when you break it down it’s actually very regressive. On the one hand we’re all the same. On the other hand we’re so different from each other that we can’t communicate effectively. They can’t both be correct.
And if you need to be the same sex (or race) to hit the bullseye, as you suggest may be the case, women can’t really complain if they get handed the tampon project whilst blokes get asked to make the funny beer ads.
I actually suggested that ‘we could be missing out on the communications that might hit the bullseye’.
(I would underline could and might if I could).
Of course men can write brilliant tampon ads, and women can write great beer ads (I think. No examples spring to mind, but that’s probably down to my ignorance). But swishing more insights and perspectives into the mix might be of some use.
It’s really hard to say, but as you point out, advertising isn’t great right now and really lacks diversity. Then again, it also lacked diversity when it was brilliant, so who knows? I think it’s more likely to be down to other factors, but as we’ve NEVER had properly diverse departments/creative leadership, we don’t really have enough evidence to be sure.
Ben, why do you pre-moderate comments on this site? I notice people barely converse on here anymore. This is why.
That’s not why.
I’ve always pre-moderated comments. People can be very naughty, you know!
People barely converse on here anymore because I barely ever write these kinds of posts anymore. If you scroll down you’ll see that my time and resources have been sent in the direction of the podcast episodes. And people tend not to chat about those because they’re not topical or contentious, so much less likely to inspire chat.
But I’ll probably do a few more posts in future. The chat, such as it is, is interesting.
Your point about men’s values becoming the standard is very true.
Countless studies have shown that even female bosses treat men more favourably, it’s that ingrained. I remember one study which used childcare as an example – men who asked for flexible working for childcare reasons were perceived as good dads by their female bosses and granted their request, whereas women were refused on the basis they shouldn’t be letting it affect their work.
There was another example with customer-serving staff whereby a man and woman swapped email signatures but continued their roles in exactly the same manner – the male worker suddenly found his email responses were regularly questioned/undermined/ignored by the recipients which he’d never experienced before.
The advertising environment is also not very encouraging for women. My last CD (female) put a blanket ban on any flexible/dynamic/part time working – it rid the department of women of child bearing age within 2 years.
Rather than saying it’s a men v female problem, I agree it would be more useful/productive to label it as it is: a confidence problem, or a perfectionist problem. I think if we did that more people would come forward and know what their issue is – plus it’d shift the focus onto the solution rather than the controversy spin off. Personally I think a lot of the top guys/MDs want to keep the confidence down of the younger ones, to help keep the status quo – and wages lower. Quelle Surprise. It’s all about the dollah.
PS I am definitely a lot of both, but never knew perfectionism could be such a hindrance, though it makes sense – better done than perfect.
Nothing can ever really be perfect, particularly when you’re talking creativity, so you’re going to waste your time climbing a mountain with no top.
Ha yep, topless mountains! Just for the record I meant “a lot” in the sense of a lot of: conf problems and perfectionism problems. But recently been reading “The Art of Procrastination” a hilarious guide to overcoming perfectionism/and arguably a lack of confidence. One great tip is to give yourself/people the permission to do an imperfect job, but still a perfectly good job. Aim to do it slightly above adequately and you will get it done. But if I/one aims to do it perfectly I never will; I’ll either be too scared, freeze up or procrastinate. In short, these confidence problems are solvable in ways that I am only realising now. Would be good to get talking about the solutions more. Check out the book – very funny. By John Perry, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy Stanford University. Could be a good podcast. God knows we all know how to procrastinate, would be nice to know how NOT to.
Burn the sexist heretic!
Jokes aside, there’s never going to be total equality between genders. It’s certainly a good idea to strive for it, but not blindly at all costs for the sake of political correctness.
I’ll show myself to the stake now.