You know I love you even when you don’t try, I know that our love will never die. Hey darling when you look into my eye, please tell me you’ll never have to say the weekend
Epic kids’ spelling mistakes (thanks, J).
44 medieval beasts that cannot even handle it right now (thanks, T).
How records are made (thanks, B).
Guitar solo that mimics crying Japanese man (thanks, J):
1997 Rave party for kids (thanks, J):
If Gondry shagged Cunningham and the resulting offspring was an episode of Playschool (thanks, J):
Pipe guy is great at live techno (thanks, J):
Lessons from five award-winning screenwriters (thanks, J).
Pop songs as sonnets (thanks, B).
And excerpts from the 101 best screenplays of all time (thanks, J).
The last three things shot by Fellini were ads.
Scary playgrounds (thanks, J).
Great Bill Hader interview (includes his 200 favourite films).
Some great stuff behind the scenes of BJM:
Money donated vs deaths caused: