New Lynx/Axe ad
The new strategy seems to be: make a story about people getting together that is somewhat based on the name of Lynx/Axe’s new deodorant (see the astronaut one).
I mentioned this recently, but I’m just not sure what that’s got to do with Lynx.
The last one told me astronauts are the ultimate in hot men (thanks for the tip).
This one suggests that getting it on is better than war, so does that mean we should all buy Lynx, be more likely to get it on, then avoid war?
But that doesn’t really come out in the vignettes. Why does the tank woman want the tank driver, who she seems to recognise? Not apparently due to the Lynx effect.
Fuck knows.
I think I’ve wasted far too many brain cells trying to figure out something that is ultimately bloody pointless.
The shame is that they still had the core concept up to very recently (this 2012 ad is one of the best ever):
Where’s The Lynx Effect idea gone, and why?
True, world-changing love.
And Lynx Africa for men.
The perfect association.
Oh sorry. I’m an idiot. I missed the whole name thing.
New head of the brand at unilever.
Wants the brand to grow up.
He’s the same guy who ditched the ‘never let’s you down’ line for rexona in favour of the game changing ‘do more’. Which has bombed. And is going to be rolled back next year by the new rexona guy.
Ask people at BBH and Mother about his little agency mind games.
So if I use Axe “Apollo” I’m supposed to be an astronaut. I promote world peace by using Axe “Peace.” I can’t wait for “Raging,” “Hard” and “On.” Puleez. Like to hear more about the wanker’s agency mind games, tho…
That is Great. Love it.
Think it’s a nice, simple advancement of the campaign. “Lynx gets you the girl” becomes “Lynx brings guys and girls together.” What’s not to get and like?
I thought the Susan one was funny in places but much less original a thought – I’ve seen “worshipping the perfect woman” many times before. And the ending could have been done better I think (nice Kiefer surprise obviously).
Just axe it.
It is a part of this campaign
Unilever and Lynx have a new purpose. Yeah, really?
I’m fine with axe growing up. I like the idea of them bringing boys and girls together.
It’s just that the peace thing feels like an adjunct to that purpose.
An unnecessary and distracting adjunct
Yep, bit rubbish this. Left me strangely unmoved.