Ol’ Dirty Bastard is funny (thanks, J):
Star Trek’s Worf being denied for fifteen minutes (thanks, P):
Nice movie poster tumblr (thanks, M).
Antique Store Home doc (thanks, P):
Brilliant messing around with model cars (thanks, V):
Time measured in fast food (thanks, P):
The best title sequence in many years (if you’re lucky/unlucky enough to be an art director, set it to full screen and top volume).
A bunch of pictures that brilliantly sum up the Nineties (thanks, J).
Tom’s Diner/Taxi Driver mashup (thanks, P):
Cassette Boy vs The News:
My friend (and TBWA creative) Paul Pateman’s new illustration site. Maybe hire him or something.
hristopher Walken reads ‘Where The Wild Things Are’ (thanks, J):
Any love for this Ben?
Nice. Maybe for next week:
CK: the writing’s quite funny.